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6 Signs Of High Blood Pressure You Should Know About

6 Signs Of High Blood Pressure You Should Know About

6 Signs Of High Blood Pressure You Should Know About

The fast-paced, stress-ridden life of today has made hypertension or high-blood pressure a household name. One in three people in India suffers from high blood pressure. Seems like a pretty big number, right? Doesn’t seem to be that true given how few people around you suffer from it. The truth is that most people don’t even know they suffer from hypertension, for it really has no symptoms. This has rightly earned it the name “silent killer”. However, it is when this silent killer leads to heart attacks and stroke, do we take notice. By then, it is already too late.

6 Signs Of High Blood Pressure You Should Know About

High blood pressure is the excessive pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the blood vessels. This damages the blood vessels over time and leads to plaque build-up. This plaque then blocks the arteries and deprives the body of the blood and oxygen required for normal functioning. Sound pretty damning, right? That’s because it is. So, how can one know whether they have cause to be alarmed or not? Here’s a blog to help you keep track of some indications that might relate to a High-blood pressure issue in your body.



Get Your Blood Pressure Checked


Sounds like a lame advice to begin this with. But this is, after all, the most important indicator of changes in normal blood pressure. However, you need to be more regular with these tests. The normal blood pressure reading for an average woman is 130/80. Now, your blood pressure reading depends heavily on your activities, hydrations, the food you consume, and other factors. Thus, to get a clear picture you need to get checked every week. Make sure that you get checked when you are well hydrated, calm, and otherwise feeling healthy. Make note of these reading under the same condition each week. If you see more than three consecutive readings over 130/80, then you need to see a doctor soon. Getting your blood pressure reading is not a tedious task. Every doctor’s clinic has a reading machine, so do most of the drug stores. You can even buy one for your home as it isn’t that expensive to not be affordable. Staying up to date on your blood pressure statistics is the safest way to help.



The Role of Genetics

 6 Signs Of High Blood Pressure You Should Know About

Believe it or not, but your genetics have a great contribution to figuring out whether you have chances of suffering from high blood pressure or not. Our body evolves with our surroundings and many factors then become vital to our response towards certain stimuli. Now, high blood pressure is not a condition dependent on a micro-organism entering your body from the outside. It is dependent on conditions that develop inside your body because of certain factors. One such factor could very well be your genes. If anyone of your parents suffered from hypertension, that puts you at a risk for the same. Sometimes this happens simply because we share the same environment which affects our bodies the same way. However, this trend isn’t limited just to your parents. Even if your grandparents or siblings have a high blood pressure history, you need to stay on an alert about your own health. If any blood relation of yours has had a heart attack when they were younger than 45, it makes matters more serious for everyone in your family.



Regular Headaches and Brain Fog


This indicator is not very dependable as a lot of conditions have headaches as a symptom. Sometimes brain fog and headache are just a result of exhaustion. Brain fog is a state in which you are confused and your brain cannot seem to function properly. This is associated with high blood pressure only when you have reached a very severe stage. If your blood pressure is slightly up then you wouldn’t notice any sort of headache of brain fog. However, since it is an indicator associated with high blood pressure it never hurts to stay alert. If you experience a mild or a chronic headache, accompanied by a nosebleed or not, which you cannot attribute to any apparent reason, then it is best to get your blood pressure checked as soon as possible. Chances are exhaustion probably got your reading on the meter up, but even if that is the case, you need to start getting regular with your blood pressure checks.



Bloating and Decreased Urination


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High blood pressure can also be seen as a side effect which is linked to many other conditions. Two of these conditions are diabetes and kidney problems. If you suffer from any one of these problems then you probably already know that you need to keep an eye out for your blood pressure readings. If not, then well, keep note of your urination patterns. If you have recently started to feel bloated then you need to get a grip on the situation. Some women feel bloated around the time or during their periods, which is not a cause for concern. However, if you get the bloated feeling mid-cycle and cannot attribute it to anything else, then that can be a sign of high blood pressure. It is thus, very important to keep track of your normal urinary habits. While we often don’t even consider taking note of our excretory and egestion habits, they are largely affected by our state of health.



Blurry or Otherwise Affected Vision

 6 Signs Of High Blood Pressure You Should Know About

Another function that gets affected easily by changes in the body is the vision. The problem with hypertension is that most of the symptoms show up very late in the condition. High blood pressure makes the blood vessels in the eyes swell up and this can cause changes in your vision. This can be easily identified in an eye exam, but that is another thing that we are not very regular about. However, if you feel like your vision is getting affected or is blurry, get an eye exam as soon as you can. It might just be a case of changed vision and you’ll probably come back home with a new lens. But combined with all the other factors mentioned above, it might even be a symptom of high blood pressure. This symptom too shows up at a very later stage in the condition. So, if your vision has started to go awry almost suddenly, then hypertension is a very plausible explanation for your condition.





A very common complaint amongst those whose blood pressure shoots up is that of dizziness or a feeling that they might faint. You see stroke is a common end result of a high blood pressure. If you know anything about strokes then you know that they are accompanied by a feeling of dizziness. Thus, it is absolutely necessary to stay on your toes when something like this happens. Sometimes one can feel dizzy for obvious reasons, like standing up too quickly or being on a ride in an amusement park. However, in these cases, the dizziness subsides after a while. If you are suffering from continuous dizziness over regular periods of time then you most certainly need to see a doctor and soon. Often being dizzy is a very severe sign of high blood pressure which shouldn’t be ignored in any case.

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