It is well known that water is life and that exactly explains why hydration is healthy for our body and health system. Applying moisturizer and toner helps in external hydration of skin but for internal hydration of health system we need to rely only on hydrating diet. Out of wide varieties of natural foods, juicy and pulpy fruits are good examples of hydrating foods although scale of hydration largely varies from one to another.
Finding 7 hydrating fruits is indeed a challenge becausediet fruits should be low in calorie, tasty, and inexpensive. Here, 7 juicy and yummy fruits are named for instance, which will help you to plan your hydrating fruit diet most amicably.
Watermelon contains 92% water. It is loaded with loads of vitamins like A, C,and health friendly minerals like zinc and potassium. This fruit contains lots of lycopene and that is the reason of its red hue. Consumption of watermelon helps in maintaining natural hydration in body and the backup of lycopene will keep you energized.
Kiwi rightly proves the proverb: size doesn’t matter. This small yummy fruit is also known as Chinese gooseberry although they are originally from New Zealand. Kiwi is full of juicy pulp that keeps you hydrate, quenches thirst, and boosts your immune system due to presence of vitamin C and E and well as serotonin, magnesium, and potassium! Adding kiwi to diet helps in enjoying natural hydration with lots of potential for your immune system.
Grapes are really not sour; rather these small fruits are loaded with hydrating juice and lots of antioxidants to power up your immunity system. This small fruits contain 81% water, sodium, potassium, along with loads of vitamins like A, C, B+12, B-6, Calcium, Iron, etc. Regular consumption of grapes adds hydrating effect to body,, pampers the taste buds, and boosts immunity power.
This citrus family member contains 96% of water and loads of healthy ingredients likevitamins like A, C, B+12,D, B-6, etc. along with sodium, potassium, Calcium, and list of antioxidants like Hesperidin, Diosmin, Eriocitrin, D-Limonene, etc. that keep health completely protected and happy. You can have lemon juice in lukewarm water, or you may sip lemon water after lunch, or you may enjoy lemon tea at afternoon: over all, lemon juice will keep you all through wonderfully hydrated.
Oranges are of great taste and it contains 87% water in its content. The fruit also contains Vitamin C, D B+12, B-6, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, natural fibers, and some other health friendly antioxidants for offering you great health benefits besides remaining hydrated naturally. Oranges are available round the year; you can have it raw with pulps and you can have it in juice form.
You can eat orange in your breakfast as well as after lunch; you will enjoy its tasty treat and loads of health benefits besides staying hydrated.
Grapefruits contain 91% water and it is therefore easy to understand that consumption of grapefruit is a wonderful way to stay hydrated naturally. Other than hydration benefit, grapefruit also offers some interesting health benefits like immunity boosting, better digestion, weight loss support, and cholesterol control.
Pomegranate contains 80% water, which works as an excellent natural source of hydration in body if added to diet. Pomegranates contain minerals like calcium, Iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, etc., vitamins like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, E, B-6, K, Folic acid, and some amount of fiber.
Pomegranate is rightly praised as power fruit, and adding this tasty fruit in your diet will work as anoverall booster of health system,
There are many others fruits like apricot, peach, pineapples, plums, cranberries, green apples, blueberries, etc. Adding these fruits in your diet will help you to enjoy excellent level of hydration for your health benefits.
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