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9 Healthy foods women just can’t miss!

9 Healthy foods women just can’t miss!

9 Healthy foods women just can't miss!

We are aware that men and women have absolutely different body formations and therefore, their dietary requirements also differ.

9 Healthy foods women just can't miss! 

Instagram Account: kreshabajaj

Men and woman need to consume essentially healthy nutrients to keep their body healthy and fit. Here we list 10 healthy foods that every woman must include in her diet to stay healthy.

Flax seeds

9 Healthy foods women just can't miss!

Flax seeds are amazing for your overall health and prevent you from heart risks as they are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. The problem of arthritis is rise among women in India and flax seeds are great to prevent them. The anti-inflammatory properties inside flax seeds work effectively. Also, consumption of flax seeds 2 tbsp. per day reduces the risk of breast cancer in women.


9 Healthy foods women just can't miss!

Avocados consists healthy fats in abundance that are useful for your body in maintaining a healthy heart. Avocados are highly nutritious and help one lose weight. Avocados have properties that will help you control your cholesterol levels, triglycerides and blood pressure which is a healthy concern among women in our country.



9 Healthy foods women just can't miss!

We do not need to boast about the enormous benefits of Salmon as it is already a very popular health food and is profusely recommended by dieticians to women who have iron deficiency. Salmon is also a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids and it helps you diminish lack of essential vitamins in your body and it is also popular for its rewarding health benefits in overcoming depression and mood swings.



Cranberries are a foodie’s delight as they give you top-notch taste in whatever dish you add them into. But that’s not all; apart from tasting heavenly they provide great health benefits for women. They offer anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory health benefits that reduce the risk of breast cancer. Consuming a glass of cranberry juice per day is highly recommended especially to women who suffer from urinary tract infections.



9 Healthy foods women just can't miss!

Walnuts not only keep you full for a longer period of time but also are a host of Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Walnuts have cancer fighting properties and contain essential amino acids that reduce the risk of heart diseases. Eating just 3 walnuts a day can work wonders for you as they help in maintaining bone health, curing arthritis and in overcoming downheartedness.



Watching Popeye eat spinach was lovely and visually appealing but when it comes to reality not many people are fond of eating spinach. We must know that spinach is a great source of vitamins essentially required by our body. The abundance of magnesium present in spinach is considered great to reduce PMS. Managing weight is easily possible if you include spinach in your diet as it contains lots of vitamins and minerals.



9 Healthy foods women just can't miss!

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The whole food industry is boasting about the benefits of Oats through several advertising and many brands have come up with various types of Oat meals. Therefore we believe that half of our job has already been done as we assume that you already might be equipped with the knowledge of Oats as a superb healthy food that nobody should miss out in their diet. Oats is like an ocean full of health-boosting nutrients that are absolutely for both men and women. By eating a bowl of oats daily in your breakfast or dinner, you can control your blood pressure levels. For pregnant women, oats is recommended as it helps keep the baby free from diseases.



Since our childhoods we have been constantly reminded about the health benefits of women. Milk is a great source of Calcium and helps in preventing PMS. In the current scenario, women in India are reported to be Calcium deficient and hence, health concerns are at increasing day by day. Every woman at any age must drink milk as it is also fortified with Vitamin D and can also help you stay away from osteoporosis.



9 Healthy foods women just can't miss!

Tomatoes are wealthy when it comes to Vitamins A and C, Copper, Magnesium and Phosphorus. If you are trying to quit smoking then tomatoes can be your good friend as they help in repairing the harm instigated due to smoking. Tomatoes also help you to have strong bones. Also ladies, tomatoes are great for your skin and hence you just cannot avoid them in your daily diet.

Presently, women in India face a multitude of health problems that possess a major threat to their life span. Every woman must take care of their daily diet and should make sure that she does not fall short of any essential nutrient required by the body during a day. We suggest that you consult a dietician and plan a diet chart that perfectly suits your body type.



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