We all want to stay young, to look beautiful with a clean and healthy skin. We dream about a shining and glowing skin. But with age, beautiful skin fades, it become lined and has many freckles along with wrinkles. In this article we will give you daily tips of how to maintain your skin, so that it can stay healthy and beautiful for a long time!
Clean your skin everyday
One of the most important factors is to clean your skin every day because your skin accumulates dirt and many pollutants daily. Therefore whenever you come back home, make sure that you wash your face with some good products. It will remove the dust which entered and will also clean your pores. Blocked pores, prevent your skin from breathing and thus kills the cells. This will result in an accumulation of dead cells and make your skin unhealthy. Another important point is makeup; make sure you clean your face well to remove all the chemical products as they also block your pores. Sleeping without cleaning your face will assure you a bad skin, lack of glow
Tone your skin
Make sure that you tone your skin daily. It will help the skin to absorb moisture well and therefore will be more healthy. It will also remove toxins and dead cells. But make sure that you use good and efficient toners. Best is to use natural products such as honey, vinegar, rosewater rather than the chemical ones.
Seasonal change
One of the toughest problem for skin is seasonal change. As season changes our skin also changes. During summer, our skin tends to absorb more pollutants so it is more dirty. It also becomes tanned and the tan makes the skin more thick so we get less pimples. But surprise with fall when you get less sun you can also get pimples because your skin gets thiner. Then in winter, as the skin becomes dryer, you need to moisturise it so that it does not crack or becomes dry and damaged. With years you will understand your skin changes throughout the seasons and that you have to take good care of it.
Nourish your skin
As our stomach needs food daily, our skin also needs proper nutrients every day. Then only, it will stay healthy and glowing. As a rule try to use natural products to nourish it such as oil and natural butters, and avoiding chemical because they do not suit everyone’s skin and can lead to rashes or pimples.
Sleep !
Last but not least is a good sleep. With appropriate hours of sleep daily, you will feel fresh and your skin will be healthy. Your skin is also an organ which needs rest to be able to heal and regenerate. Therefore a good sleep, about seven to eight hours daily will contribute in a glowing skin and also prevents black circle around the eyes.
Niharika Essoo