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Our mothers are our world!

Our mothers are our world!

Loving mother with daughter

Maa, mum, mom, mother! Words that make each of us melt. Where ever you are from, whatever your age is, the person with whom we find the most happiness and peace at the end of the day is our mother. Sometimes, we tend to ignore her, to disobey or to be rude but she is the only person who will always be here to provide us with her love. And no money, no status no jobs can ever replace it. Our mothers will always stand by us in any situation, support us and understand all of our feelings.

Here are some points to strengthen our mother-child relationship.

Pay attention!

Sometimes we may not pay enough attention to her or to her advice. We tend to be selfish when we grow up but we should remember our mothers want the best for us and so listening to them is precious. We should enjoy and appreciate each second that we get to spend with our mothers. So that one day when we look back we are proud of the relationship we built with her.


Communication is a key aspect to show your mother you care about her. Sit and talk with her, take time for her. Ask her about her daily activities, her health, or her problemes. It can be simpler to think that if we are seeing her smiling or talking that she is fine, but mothers will never tell their childrens her problems, so we need to find out.

Put yourself in her shoes!

Many times we take for granted what our mother does for us, but we should never do so! We often don’teven realise all she Is doing!. Mothers are said to be on duty 24/7 and they never get any holiday. We should try to understand her, to put ourselves in her shoes to see her own perspective. Acknowledging how much she does for us and telling her is a big step and she will be glad. You can also try to make her happy and show your love with some little attentions like buying gifts, cards or helping her in her daily chores like cooking dinner or making some cleaning ! She will really appreciate it!

Live in the present moment!

One common thing human beings tend to do is looking back at the past and ruminate. If your mother hurt you in the past, try to forgive her or to talk about it in a constructive way. Usually mothers try their best. Letting go is diffilcut but it will make you much happier. Try to live in the present moment and don’t dwell in the past. . This will help you not only to spread happiness but also to prevent fights and live in peace.

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Always be by her side!

In life there are always many ups and downs. Sometimes you can have fights with her or disagree.. It is your right to have different opinions but remember the most important is staying empathic and not hurting her. You have to stay supportive.because mothers are the only ones who can truly understands us and care for us.




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