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Would we want a one child policy in India?

Would we want a one child policy in India?

This is a historical decision that shaped China’s society like no other fact in the last years, one might dare to say. China abandons the one-child-policy and allows its citizens to have more children.

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First of all, can you imagine not to have as many children as you want? That some authority tells you what to do? That is very interesting and western countries could not understand this. However, it had also a huge impact in the sense that China’s population would not grow too much as some people say India’s population has done.

What comes with having a family is responsibility and work but also – and we think most importantly – joy and happiness. However, Times of India just published an article discussing whether Chinese families are actually rich enough to have more than one child.

It is an interesting thought that I believe is worth to be discussed – how many people, very poor people here in India have many children although they are very poor?

The question that arises now as well is – did China a good job in prohibiting its citizen to have more than one child for the benefits of the country? Would the country by now be overpopulated? But what about the ratio of male and female?

There are many questions that need to be answered and the Indian government that might have had the idea of promoting a similar action should be very careful about this.

When I talk to women, mothers, men and fathers – they all say: no one should be in charge of deciding how many children one is allowed to have as every child is a gift! They should know the benefits of one child policy in India. They also said every gift needs to be taken care of so one should know how many children one could have in order to provide them with a good education.

We will see what the future gives…

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