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5 Steps to Succeed In a Job Interview

5 Steps to Succeed In a Job Interview

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Preparation is necessary to face an interview as the selection depends on it. It is the first step in an interview and making the interview successful is more important than preparation. An interview is prepared with your resume, education, experience, extra- curricular activities, smartness and some other things. Always try to make your first impression good which will take you forward. There are some tips which can help you facing an interview.

1. Analyze and research the company:

First you have to check the position and organisation you are likely to submit the application whether it suits with your education, skills, aim and values. Then check if all the requirements of the company you are fulfilling. Because the interviewer has the ability to know whether you are interested and fit for the position.

A good start up for an interview is like half success. Therefore a thorough research on the company’s values, goals, mission statement etc is needed .Because these things will help you in the first round of interview and can fetch a good impression for you.

2. Arrive in time at interview place:

Reaching late in the interview venue will not be a good start up. Always try to reach before the time with a focused mind. Because by reaching in time, you can fully focus on the interview without any seriousness.

3. Make your dress, appearance and voice fine:

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To get a positive response from the interviewer your outfit and make up should be presentable and you need to pay special consideration on your words. You have to use such type of words and terms which is necessary for the promotion of that particular organisation.

4. Be activist, positive and fearless:

Always keep a positive mindset in yourself to prove you in the interview and getting the offer letter is another opportunity to gain knowledge. Always try to be optimistic, futuristic and energized. As a result your negative characteristic like slow or sub normal growth will not be conveyed.

5. Present your inner self without a false personality:

Always present yourself with a forward looking personality instead of pretending about your role for the company’s goal. Prepare yourself for a constructive discussion with your immediate superiors and colleagues to know their views. To avoid confusion and to complete your work you need to ask about your role which is assigned to you.

 Pragna Mohapatra

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