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8 Types Of Women Who Should Not Take Birth Control Pills!

8 Types Of Women Who Should Not Take Birth Control Pills!

Birth control has done a very good stuff by giving women a control over their reproductive lives. Many women take birth control pills to safeguard themselves from unplanned pregnancies. But not all women take pills just for controlling pregnancies but also for irregular periods and such other causes. Most of the women take them almost every day. Using these pills can increase health problems. The complications are not that common but they are severe.

When you start taking the pills you might see some side effects which might eventually go away in two to three months. Most of the times it affects the period, it might get lighter or you might end up not getting it at all. But if you notice the side effects being uncommon then you should immediately take notice of it and consult a doctor.

Women who take birth control should remember that taking birth control can increase the risk of blood clots and increase the risk of stroke as well. So instead of putting your health at risk you should learn about the side effects of the birth control and who shouldn’t take them. Read on to know which type of women should avoid taking the birth control pills

Women Over The Age Of 35

Most middle aged women are using contraceptive today more than before. By the age of 35 to 40, women become a pro at the contraception thing. The risk is more for women who smoke or have health conditions already. This is the age where you do not want children and the fertility comes to an end. Experts say that 35 is the age where you should consider changing your birth control method. If not then you might face severe health risks like blood clots, stroke, breast cancer, unexpected vaginal bleeding etc. It is highly recommended to stop taking combination contraceptive pills. It would be safer to prefer the alternatives which contain progestin only.

Women Who Smoke

8 Types Of Women Who Should Not Take Birth Control Pills!

Women may or may not know it but those who smoke and take birth control risk their health higher than others. They can develop serious health problems like stroke, clots or heart attacks and this risk is higher when you are a chain smoker.

Of course, the safest option is to quit smoking and continue birth control. But not everyone agrees to quit smoking that easily. So for such people the better option would be choosing the new form of birth control or consulting a doctor would be a good thing to do. Quitting smoking is highly suggested for people who are over the age of 35 as they more exposed to the health issues than middle-aged non-smokers.

Women Who Already Have Blood Clot Problems

This isn’t a new thing to people because most of them know about that birth control pills often related to blood clots as a side effect. This is highly risky for the women who already have a family history of blood clots or blood clots in general. It is crucial that women take notice of this. A simple blood test can let you know whether you have the problem of blood clots or not.

If you have the history of blood clots then the estrogen-based contraceptives like ring, pill etc or some of the progestin contraceptive pill may not be the best option for you. Statistics reveal that women with a history of blood clot have twice the risk if they use birth control. And you definitely do not have to worry if the pill is not the option for you because there are other new options available.

Women With Obesity

8 Types Of Women Who Should Not Take Birth Control Pills!

No one can disagree that obese women experience things differently, for better or for worse. Although most of us might not know this, it is true that birth control works differently for them. The researchers revealed a fact that ‘the morning after pill’ doesn’t normally work for women weighing more than 165 pounds. These pills have a high concentrated dose of the oral contraceptive and the research reveals that there were 9% of unintended pregnancies due to the failure of these pills.

Experts also say that obese women should not take the pills if not necessary because they can have a hard time in dealing with the blood clots in future. Albeit this might not be same for everyone, it would be a safer option to consult a doctor.

Women Who Are Injured Recently

Injuries are inevitable, while some might not bleed, some might suffer blood loss and take much time to heal. That is why when women suffer a severe injury should avoid taking contraceptive pill especially oral contraceptives. They increase the risk of blood clots in injured women and in turn lead to others severe problems. It is advisable to take another contraceptive method rather than pills.

Women Who Are Physically Inactive

8 Types Of Women Who Should Not Take Birth Control Pills!

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Being physically active has a lot of benefits. You not only get your dream body, have considerably fewer health issues but you also have a lesser risk of blood clots. If you are constantly on move all throughout the day blood flow will be constant you are less likely to have to deal with the problem of blood clots.

Now you know being a couch potato has many harmful effects which you don’t even know. Also, if you are not that much of an active person it would be better to quit taking birth control pills and shift to other birth control methods.

Women With Severe Migraine Problems

Migraines are themselves such a fuss and hard to deal with.  And birth control pills makes it even more of a headache and harder. Researchers reveal that women who prefer newer methods of contraception and also have a migraine are increasing their risk of stroke and blood clots. If you already have migraine problems, take birth control and if you are a smoker then you should absolutely quit smoking or either give up the oral contraceptives totally. Because this is a deadly combination which can cause you severe health damage.

Women Who Are About To Have Surgery

8 Types Of Women Who Should Not Take Birth Control Pills!

Although there is no standard recommendation regarding this, often women are asked to take a gap from the intake of birth control pills pre-surgery or after the surgery. The very thought behind this being that the blood circulation in the body needs to be regular and normal. The contraceptive pills interfere with the normal blood flow. Simply because they have the risk of blood clots and we don’t want that when you are about to undergo a surgery or have just been through a surgery.

Millions of women choose to take hormonal oral contraception in spite of the many possible dangers. For centuries people have safeguarded themselves from unintended pregnancies naturally without any medication so it is not impossible to to live without the pill. There are so many options that can be chosen instead of pills like male condoms, female condoms, calendar methods, cervical caps etc.

The best option is always to check about this with your gynecologist first because they know better. Being active is one of the most important things when it comes to contraception. Avoiding blood clots is a major thing you should focus on. There are a lot of options you can choose from if you ever think of switching methods.

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