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Government Outlines Safe Disposal Measures Of Sanitary Waste

Government Outlines Safe Disposal Measures Of Sanitary Waste

government outlines measures of disposal sanitary waste

safe disposal sanitary waste

Under the new solid waste management rule, the Environment Ministry of India made it compulsory for manufacturers to sell sanitary products along with disposable pouches. Sanitary waste comprising of used diapers, condoms, sanitary napkins, tampons, incontinence sheets and such similar wastes will now have be disposed off properly.

Rag pickers usually refuse from picking up sanitary wastes that are not wrapped. They will thus be taught to handle waste carefully. Manufacturers, brand owners and marketing companies are also mandated to teach people the use of wrappers or disposable pouches that will tag along with these products.

Waste generators such as residents, hotels, restaurants, management companies, institutions will be charged a ‘user fee’ or a ‘spot fine’ if they are caught littering or disposing off non segregated waste.

Panchayats of all towns and urban agglomerates are given six months to prepare a waste management plan. Two years will be given to local bodies comprising more than one million population to set up solid waste processing facilities.

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The new rule does not only apply to rural areas but also urban agglomerations, notified industrial areas, census towns, areas under the control of Indian railways, airports, airbases, ports, defence establishments and places of religious/historical importance.

The ministry has taken a notable step in battling pollution. Let’s hope that citizens will adhere to this rule and turn “Clean India, Green India” into actuality!

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