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Should we accept nudity?

Should we accept nudity?

Should we accept nudity?

Should we accept nudity?


We are most often ashamed to expose our true selves; we camouflage ourselves and hide behind various hindrances. We are abashed to accept our nude selves, our inner raw souls and our own bodies. To bare yourself is nothing but full and complete acceptance, being comfortable in the skin you are and breathing freely and confidently in that air of defiance. Acceptance of nudity would mean to end discrimination and to accept both the male and female bodies as entities, bringing in the yin and the yang balance.

The taboo practices:

Can we really have nudity in society? Since people are often not happy with the bodies they have, they often criticize the idea of going topless. There is a need to desexualize women’s breasts to prevent sexual harassment. The idea of equalizing a man’s bare chest with a female’s one is still not accepted. This is where we are permitting one sex to get the better of the other.

We often see censor boards eliminating bareness and nude pictures from print media and even films. They say that a level of decency should be maintained. But then, what can be essentially indecent about one’s body? Whether sexual or not, the image of one’s own self cannot be termed as vulgar, or indecent.

The modifications we make:

Should we accept nudity?

Instagram Account:

We often mutilate parts of us to look better, or even more appreciable, and desirable. Breast implants are one such example. The psyche that we aren’t good enough; brings in insecurity and lack of confidence, which is a disadvantageous thought process. All set and done we need to understand that there is no particular set of assets that we need to possess if we have to look presentable. There is an immense amount of potential in everyone, which is in itself beautiful. There can never be stereotypes for beauty.

Nudity and sexuality:

In many cultures, a lady’s hair is considered to be erotic, or in some, toes and heels. For that matter, should people start hiding these features too? The answer to this is no. Humans are sexual beings, and they need to acknowledge the immense power of sexuality and the beauty of the entire thing. There is thus, a need to normalise nudity in society.

The Brisbane topless picnic:

Several women in Brisbane sat on an afternoon topless and enjoyed a wonderful picnic. It was an idea to establish equality among men and women, and an attempt to prevent the stigmatization of breasts. Men are genetically hardwired to look at breasts, whether covered or uncovered, so the women decided to go topless.

Whether the movement brought justice to the purpose is debatable, whether the purpose was served is more doubtful, nevertheless, what can be concluded is that a set of people went on to accept themselves and showed no fear of acceptance.

We probably need more of people of this kind, who are akin to themselves, who are candid and happy about what they are. Probably then we will have a safer world, where no one demeans the other.

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