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Practice short and harder exercises to long & slower ones!

Practice short and harder exercises to long & slower ones!

Practice short and harder exercises to long & slower ones!

I workout for several hours and yet see no or very low results’. You must have witnessed a lot of people who work out complaint this way. Well! This is simply because of one rule and that rule is that to get strong and sexy you have to pick workouts short and faster rather than spending hours and hours on your treadmill doing the tortoise walk.

Practice short and harder exercises to long & slower ones!

Image courtesy: Instagram Account: nikimehra


  • How does it work?

Practice short and harder exercises to long & slower ones!

It is simple! Working out at one’s maximum capacity flares up the fat burning capability more as compared to the moderately energized exercises one indulges in for several hours. Hard workouts release growth hormones which helps turn fat into fuel. Growth hormones are very difficult to produce as we age; we found them in abundance during our childhood.

Below is everything you need to know to get equipped for that dream body.



Practice short and harder exercises to long & slower ones!

Want that badass body to rock a bikini? Gear up to kick your own ass! High intensity workouts are the perfect answer for the sculpt and shape you want in your body. Indulge in workouts and make yourself gasp for breaths and sweat like a pig. Treat your body with pain and extremities but be cautious of hurting yourself with a kink in your neck or a sprained arm.

A 12 minute kettle bell routine is much more effective than the sluggish 30 minutes elliptical training’



Practice short and harder exercises to long & slower ones!

We tend to get demoralized very fast on our journey to accomplishment of a certain goal. Especially fitness journey are way too hard to stay motivated all the time but remember to achieve your fitness goals that is the most important thing to do. Keep yourself motivated by reading out quotes to yourself such as- ‘If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you’ and on the other hand keep visualizing your success. Track your improvements and give yourself a pat on the back for every extra weight you are strengthened to lift.

Strength training burns more fat and builds more lean muscle than cardio training’



Practice short and harder exercises to long & slower ones!

High-intensity workouts are a true source to unveil your capacity and to push your limits to greater levels. It helps you discover the inner resources to make it through anything. It expands your abilities and maximises your efforts to take up challenging routines and speed up your fat burning process.

Proper form is essential during high-intensity workouts to prevent injuries’


See Also

Practice short and harder exercises to long & slower ones!

Comparing short-harder workouts to long-slower workouts, we conclude that the latter creates a lower oxygen deficit and therefore, torches less fat and calories. A short but harder workout has more powerful hormonal responses and triggers the muscle growth in the body which subsequently helps you burn calories the whole day.

What exercises should you select?

The perfect examples of high-intensity exercising are workouts like Cross Fit, Sprints, and Metabolic Training exercises. These have also become the growing trend of the hour as thousands of people across the globe are opting for these challenging workout routines that deliver great results in no time.

Any form of exercises whether cycling, swimming or boxing when performed with maximum effort in short intervals give you equally effective results’


Recommendations for you:

5 Common fitness mistakes women make

Sleep off that extra weight

8 Reasons to consider weight training


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