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Who Really Uses Meal Replacement Shakes?

Who Really Uses Meal Replacement Shakes?

Being in pursuit of a fit body, people spend hours in the gyms and drastically alter their diet. A substantial approach covering all the required aspects is capable to bring fruit. In addition, the development of science and technologies lead to the occurrence of the specially tailored products to assist in all your undertakings. And people take advantage of multiple aids like diet drugs or weight loss supplements.


What Is the Purpose of the Shakes?


A special category of supplements is occupied by the meal replacements like This type of products is not exactly a mean to burn fat or reduce weight. The main purpose of the MR products is to cut back on the calories supplied to the body. As judged by the name, it is understandable that this type of products is designed to replace a wholesome meal. Why does anyone need to do this?


If you look at the label of a regular shake, you will learn that the energy value rarely exceeds 200 calories. The optimum value is even more and ranges up to 150 calories. By virtue of the various caloric calculators available both on the web and as mobile applications, you can easily count the energy value of your breakfast, dinner or supper. On average, a meal supplies approximately 800 calories depending on your choice of food.


A simple mathematical formula shows that taking a shake instead of a meal reduces the caloric content by almost five times! At the same time, the decrease of calories is supported by the provision of a feeling of satiation. It means that although you consume only a shake, you do not experience hunger for a considerable period.


Are All the MR Products So Useful?


In the above, we have reviewed only the benefits of this type of supplements while not everything is so rainbow-colored. Indeed, there are many organic and effective products in the market offering a decent set of ingredients and a high performance. At the same time, you may face numerous brands that can frustrate any optimistic user. The producers often turn to the cheap and unwholesome additives to make their product more price-attractive. Besides, the other factors like taste, texture, and nutrients can be a reason to either opt for or discard a supplement.


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Women or Men Designed?


The laws of the market are severe and some brands try to take the most appealing niche by producing the shakes for a certain gender category. However, there are a few of them. Most of the MR shakes are made generally for the people who need to cut back calories. As a rule, this category includes the female and male users suffering from an excess weight. An experience has shown that these types of users are the main customers of the shakes.


If we turn to the statistical data, we will find out that the female audience prevails in their choice for a meal substitute. It does not mean that the women experience the better weight loss results than the men do. The reason for such gender preference is the opposite directions of weight improvement observed among the male and female users. A practice shows that women tend to lose weight seeking for an attractive slender body while the men prefer to gain muscle mass. Of course, we cannot colligate the preferences of any gender since there are numerous exceptions. However, statistics is an obstinate science and we have to trust to it.




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