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5 Factors that stop you from being productive

5 Factors that stop you from being productive

5 Factors that stop you from being productive

There is no denying that we all put our health on a back track and blame our busy schedules for not making it a priority. Of course, today’s life is so packed and the 9-5 working hours and the succeeding traffic jams leave us with no time to pay attention to our health.

5 Factors that stop you from being productive  

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But we must also understand that whatever might be the reason, putting one’s health aside shouldn’t be an option.

Because of the hectic lifestyle and busy schedules, a lot of people complain about having energy crisis throughout the day. Well! This is because we fail to monitor small things in our lives which are eventually the main reasons behind the energy crunch we face day to day. So here is a list of few small things that you must monitor to attain big rewarding changes.



5 Factors that stop you from being productive

In today’s fast paced life, it has become nearly impossible to track the food we eat. Whatever comes handy and packed seems to be the best option as it saves a lot time. But the junk food we consume very harmfully impacts our body.


What to do– Consuming healthy food is not a gigantic task and is very easy if done smartly. Plan your day and allot yourself at least 20 minutes to cook some healthy food for you. There are a zillion healthy recipes available online which can be cooked instantly. And if you are having cravings then you should go for healthy alternatives. For instance, if you are craving salty fries the instead opt for carrot fries. Coat carrots sticks with olive oil, salt and pepper and bake them until they are crispy. Or try sliced potatoes grilled in olive oil with lemonade or a glass of chilled lemon tea. This will help you incorporate healthy changes.



5 Factors that stop you from being productive

Smartphones and gadgets have taken over our lives like crazy and we just cannot imagine staying without them for even ten minutes. Even if we go for a bath, the first thing we do after entering the room is to check for the notifications. Yes! We have become that curious about our online life. This is really bad for us.


What to do – One must take tiny breaks in order to relax the eyes and give it some cooling so that it doesn’t feel all the stress and pain. It is crucial to drink a glass of water after every hour as it is a great way to way to keep your metabolism health. Otherwise blink ten times after a gap of every twenty minutes.



Say no sometimes. If you will say yes to all the plans that your friends or colleagues make, then it is not the right thing to do for yourself as you will have no time to take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself is a must and you must try taking time out for it.


What to do– Make health your priority and second to none. You will have to be a little selfish to keep yourself fit and healthy. Your time should be smartly divided and should make no compromise with your health maintenance.



5 Factors that stop you from being productive

Whether we are at home or in our office, we easily forget to drink water. Not drinking enough water is one of the primary reasons of having an energy crisis. Water has all the essential nutrients to help you keep going throughout the day. If you are not hydrated properly then you will be dizzy, constipated and subsequently, there will be a chemical imbalance in your body. [Read: 5 Wonders of drinking water]

What to do – Consume food which contains a lot of fluids. For example- watermelons, muskmelons, cucumbers and strawberries have high water content and are beneficial to refresh you and to prevent you from headaches and from losing concentration.


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5 Factors that stop you from being productive

Sleeplessness is the major cause of being unproductive or a lower productive during the day. Even if we have ample amount of time at night, we waste it on random surfing and you-tubing or probably spending hours on online shopping. Sleep is very important and cannot be ignored at any cost. [Read: Natural Sleep Boosters for Insomnia]


What to do– Sketch out a rough plan for the week and stick to it no matter how tight your week is. Make sure that you sleep at least 6-8 hours a day. This is a must and you will see visible changes in a day itself. You will be conducive and will be charged up the next morning. Try it!


These are the small changes that you need to incorporate in your daily lives for an enhanced productivity. These are simple and can be easily altered to your modern day lifestyle. So swear in to make these changes for a better and a healthier life!



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