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Arranged vs. Love marriage: which one works better?

Arranged vs. Love marriage: which one works better?

Arranged vs love marriage - which one works better?


What works better, arranged marriage or love marriage? A very important question!

I recently attended my cousin’s marriage where no matter how perfectly coordinated and well synchronized our dance performances went, there was a dreadful incoordination seen between the new bride and her mother in law, my aunt.
I knew things are getting pretty serious when my aunt paid no attention to how inappropriately some young girls were dressed but instead she was constantly trying to look calm and cool amidst all the chaos.

I knew what was bothering her so much. Her son had taken the decision to choose his bride all on his own. He had recently joined an office and within a week he fell in love with a girl and within a month, we were all dancing at his wedding. My aunt was constantly forgetting one thing that her love story was even more awkward, when my uncle fell in love with her at a wedding and after a mere exchange of letters, they decided to go against the family and get married against all the odds.

History surely repeats itself but the way love marriage is loathed might not change as time passes. While there is no recipe or formula of successful marriage, there are paybacks and complications associated with both school of thoughts. Let’s dwell further:

Benefits of arranged marriage

While it might be solely your parent’s choice or a matchmaker considers you guys should get married, one thing is for sure, your parents are not going to let go of any case of disrespect or immaturity exhibited by the guy who they consider the best for you. They will surely look beyond the entire family setup and the career of the guy and will take a rational decision for your future. So, an arranged marriage is a more sane approach backed by years of experience of your parents.

Your parents might not be able to play the role of a cupid to make you fall in love with the guy but they will surely play the role of responsible parents who research and investigate well about the family and the guy you are going to marry into so that there are more chances of you falling in love with not only the guy but his entire family after marriage.

Brighter side of love marriage

While in love marriage, even if you end up with a failed marriage, you do not end up with any regret or unfulfilled desires. You know that it was your decision and even if you do not have a lot of moral support, you will do okay.

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The brightest side of love marriage is that it requires minimum finances to get married as it will be you and your future partner taking all the decisions and not two families so you will focus less on making your in laws happy and more on future planning.

Moreover in a love marriage, you will not wake up to new surprises everyday about your partner’s habits or worst of all, his sexual orientation. You will be well aware of the fact that your partner snores at night or does not eat thin crust pizza so chances of fights will be lesser, and hence all the bad habits he brings along, you will better handle them.
So, whether you fall in love before marriage or after, there are many compromises and sacrifices that both the partners have to make in order to live happily ever after.


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