Step by step guide
It’s quite difficult to land in a job in today’s job market. With competition getting tougher day by day you need to have a CV which lets you stand apart from the rest and impress your employer. But let’s face it no one has the time or the inclination to go through your long and descriptive resume. Why not stir up things a bit and opt for a video resume which will not only showcase your skills effectively but will also catch your employer’s eye for the sheer novelty of it. Here are some rules which will help you in creating that perfect video resume.
- Dress Smartly
In a video resume one’s personality comes across very strongly therefore it is important that you dress smartly and exude a personality which signifies confidence and poise. Do not go overboard with your dressing sense but try to stick to the company’s dress code and dress appropriately for the occasion.
- Pronunciation
Pronunciation plays an important part when it comes to selecting a candidate. Employers are always on the lookout for people who are articulate in nature and can converse fluently. That said there are chances that you might get nervous when facing the camera but try to be calm. Take appropriate pauses between sentences and use correct pronunciation; this will surely win over your future employers.
- Speak about your strengths
When speaking about yourself try to focus on your strengths and how that can be an asset to the organization you are applying for. Downplay your weaknesses and concentrate on your strengths but do not go overboard as that can create a bad impression on the employers.
- Keep it short
When making a video resume make sure that you stick to the prescribed limit. Don’t make an over-lengthy video as that might bore your employers. Try to keep it short and precise. The video should be just long enough for your employers to gain an idea about your strengths and capabilities and have an idea about your personality.
- Review your Video
Once you are done with shooting your video resume go through it with a fine toothcomb. Note down the mistakes and rectify them. Take the help of your friends and family and ask them to give their honest opinion. They can point out flaws which might have missed your eye. Edit your video till it is perfect and free of errors. A perfect video means that your resume stands out from the rest, sealing the deal for you.
In India we are used to applying for a job the traditional way. Although applying for a job with a video resume is quite a new concept in India, this trend is finding favor with a lot of companies. A video resume helps put across one’s personality and skills very effectively. So why not go the untrodden path and create a resume that sets you a cut above the rest.