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The Most Romantic Marriage First Night Stories!

The Most Romantic Marriage First Night Stories!

first night stories

First nights can be a real nightmare for many. It is after all the first time you will be in bed with your husband. The man you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with. The pressure can be crushing. That is the story of a lot of Indian Women. But while everyone around you might not be of a lot of help, we have your back. Listen from the women who have been in the headspace where you are or will be right now. But things turned out really great for them. Here are some of The Most Romantic Marriage First Night Stories.

first night stories

It was the first time either of us had been near someone like this……

For newly-weds, Meenakshi and Rahul, their first night together was a daunting prospect. Having been raised by conservative Indian families neither of them had had any relationships either. “We both sat on the bed, and after a while, he touched my shoulder. I got scared but he calmed me by saying he was happy we got married,” says Meenakshi. From there on the conversation began. “At first, I was not sure of what to say or do. But as time went on, we began to talk slowly and share things that took place in the day and about each other,” says Rahul. Recalling the events of the day left them both in splits. After all, what could be more hilarious than bringing all of your family together in one place?

It was the first time that either of them had been near someone, like this. As Rahul put his arms around Meenakshi, she comfortably lay her head on his shoulder. “I felt safe and I began to feel I could let him get closer to me. At which point he moved over and kissed me, which felt like an electric current on my lips. I was shaking but in a nice way. I moved away from feeling very shy,” recalled Meenakshi.

He helped her relax and let her know that he was in no hurry. As time passed, they both felt trust develop in their relationship. This new-found love and affection culminated their first-ever physical union. “I had never been near a woman before and feeling Meenakshi around me naked resulted in arousal I had never experienced and she felt the same. Leading us both to proceed to consummate our marriage with our first sexual encounter.”

“I found it very difficult and painful to start with but I was helped by Rahul who did not want to rush anything. This made me more comfortable to let him lead,” says Meenakshi.

“I feel that your first night is very individual and you should only do what feels good for both of you. We both certainly enjoyed our first time and we know it is just the start!” says a jubilant Rahul.

She lay there on the bed crying. Worried about what was to come…….

sexiest wedding night stories

Akanksha was 23 and still a virgin. She had friends who were married or had lost their virginity. But she always felt that she wasn’t ready. But her wedding night was here, the moment she had dreaded for months. After a 9 hours drive, her Doli has arrived at her husband’s house. Hitesh’s friend had decorated their room with flower petals and a door hanging with their initials inside a heart. He told her he’ll be back soon as he left her alone in that room.

The strangeness of the room combined with her own fears was too much for her to take. “I began crying. I knew I couldn’t say no to consummating our marriage. But I wasn’t ready, I just wasn’t ready,” says Akanksha. Little did she know that Hitesh had sensed her tension. “Ours is an Arranged marriage. No matter how long it takes to go from engagement to wedding, that doesn’t change the fact that you barely know one another. I could tell she was worried and there was only one reason for that.”

 When he came back to the room, Hitesh found his bride in tears. “I was scared of saying the wrong thing. So, I asked her to sit up and handed her a glass of water.” Although he had his doubts, Hitesh asked Akanksha why she was crying. She told him it was nothing at first. But then Hitesh said something magical, that she wasn’t expected. “Very calmly he told me he knew it was difficult to trust a stranger. But he wanted me to know that we were in this together. He told me he would be by my side no matter what and do all in his power to help me adjust in my new family. But he wouldn’t force me to trust her if she doesn’t.”

The affection in his voice and resolve in his words touched Akanksha. She told him that she wasn’t ready for a sexual union yet. And to her surprise, he said, “Let’s fall in love first, then we’ll get to the next step.” They spent the night talking to each other. “And I have been falling in love with this man every day since then,” says Akanksha, a mother of twins now.

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10 Reasons why you should never settle in a relationship!

I wanted him. I had fallen in love. But I didn’t know what to do……

 romantic arranged marriage stories

 Heeral and Mayur had known each other for some time now. Their families knew each other and it was only expected for them to get married. The time before their wedding had been magical. They had gone out on dates and she had started to fall in love. “This was the first thing my parents had done right for me in a really long time. I felt like I had met my soulmate,” recalls Heeral.

Both of them were really looking forward to the wedding. I was going to be with the man of my dreams forever. What she didn’t think of was the first night after the wedding. “As we set out to go to his place, I realized what was coming. I knew this is what we were going to get to. But the proximity of the timing left me with cold feet. Suddenly, I wanted to turn back time and go back to my parents’ house.”

When they were alone in his room, she tried everything to avoid having sex. “She had started to act strange and suddenly there was an elephant in the room. I didn’t understand what was wrong. So, I asked her what was up,” says Mayur. She ignored his question a couple of times and then he got serious. “It wasn’t that we weren’t having sex. She was just acting really weird like she was hiding a secret or something. So, I got worried and in that, I stopped laughing and asked her to tell me what was the matter if she loved me.”

At that moment she stopped laughing as well and her face fell. “I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to disappoint you but I barely know anything about sex,” said Heeral. And now it was Mayur’s time to laugh. “That’s it? Don’t worry. We’ll get there together.” They talked about sex for some time after that. She told him her fantasies and soon after they were kissing each other. “That first kiss was the most magical thing that had ever happened to me,” says Heeral. Soon after, their bodies connected with each other’s like their hearts had. “He is the man of my dreams. And that night, I knew it for sure.”


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