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6 Ways to make sure your work gets noticed at the workplace!

6 Ways to make sure your work gets noticed at the workplace!

6 Ways to make sure your work gets noticed at the workplace!

Have you been working tirelessly for months, getting results for the company and feeling like it never gets acknowledged? Do you feel like everyone else is getting promoted except for you? Then you can adopt the following tips to make sure your work gets noticed.

6 Ways to make sure your work gets noticed at the workplace!

It is wise to remember that in this era, it is not just about working hard anymore. Just hard work will not ensure the fact that people will acknowledge your effort. In this time and age, you need to make a conscious effort to gain attention to make sure your work is being appreciated. Otherwise, all your hard work is just going to waste or someone else is taking credit for it.



Be The First One To Complete A Pending Task

Taking initiative can go a long way in making sure all the important people notice you. Take on a project that no one wants to work on but has to get done. Always use your job title as the starting point of your work to get acknowledged, not the end point. Expand your duties and do the needful. You won’t have to work twice as hard and you will reap the rewards.


Put a ‘Net’ in front of ‘Work’

6 Ways to make sure your work gets noticed at the workplace!

Networking can go a long way to help you succeed in what you aspire to achieve. Get to know people and know them well. It might feel like going out of your office or cubicle and actually interacting is a useless and time consuming task, it can help you out tons if you are struggling to be noticed for your work. Networking is not about meaningless banter, it is about mutual support and kindness. Pick up a coffee for your colleague or get them their favorite dish for lunch. These little gestures will not only make you a hit at the office, your work will also be highlighted by everyone.


Always Be There

Whether it is office parties, retreats or lunches, be there. Always be present at the office extra-curricular activities to ensure that people know who you are and what you do. However, never overdo your presence as an individual. Make sure you don’t become completely informal during ‘unofficial’ office events. Maintain the same amount of enthusiasm you possess when you work. Always act mature.

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Reel in New Opportunities for Business

6 Ways to make sure your work gets noticed at the workplace!

New opportunities means new ways of expansion of business. Again, don’t stick to your job description. Expand your horizons at your workplace and contribute towards bringing in new business. Be aware of the kind of expansion opportunities the firm can undertake, without overdoing it. This will make all important people at your firm notice you as an essential asset to the firm, thereby giving the work you actually do, a lot of positive attention.

Be a part of the team

In order to get your work noticed, you don’t necessarily have to always be the leader or shine out from the crowd. Offer to help out a co-worker with their work if they seem too stressed out and be alert regarding what your co-workers need. Don’t sacrifice your own time and energy unnecessarily, but help out with the little things. They will never go unnoticed.

Don’t talk or listen to gossip

6 Ways to make sure your work gets noticed at the workplace!

If someone expects you to indulge in office gossip, immediately make it clear that you are not here to put down others, without being a prude. Do it politely and in a funny tone rather than a serious one. Do not resort to gossip to become a hit at the office, you will get noticed and you will get fired. Float above office politics and emerge a star.


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