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Jamun – Benefits from top to toe

Jamun – Benefits from top to toe

Jamun – Benefits from top to toe

Jamun – Benefits from top to toe

Indian blackberry or jamun has a unique astringent taste and offers several health and beauty benefits. It is also known as black plum and can treat many ailments with its medicinal qualities. From treating indigestion to getting rid of acnes and dark spots, it is one of those many fruits that has a lot to offer. Here are some of its benefits:

  • Cures acne

Jamun seeds are considered the best natural way of treating acne. Grind few jamun seeds and mix it with some cow milk. Apply this paste to your pimples before you go to bed. Rinse it off the next morning. Continue this for about a month to see some positive changes. You can also make a paste with jamun seed powder, orange peel powder, red lentil powder, almond oil and rose water and apply the same on your face. Let it dry and wash off using cold water after about 20 minutes.


  • Get rid of oily skin

Due to its astringent properties, jamun can work wonder if you have oily skin. Make mixture of jamun pulp, amla juice, barley flour and rose water and apply that on your face. Let it dry and rinse off using cold water. Apply this regularly to keep the oil secretions of the skin in control.


  • Lighten spots

Jamun – Benefits from top to toe

Jamun can help lighten skin pigmentation so that you feel confident about your look. Make a paste with jamun seed powder, gram flour, lemon powder, rose water and almond oil. Apply it evenly on your face and let it dry. Wash off after some time. Continue this for about a month to see the desired changes.


  • Purifies you

Jamun makes you beautiful from within by purifying your blood and keeping your skin clean and glowing. It is rich in iron and also improves the hemoglobin content in the body and keeps away menstrual problems as well by making up for the blood loss and keeping your healthy.


  • Improves oral health

The leaves of jamun are anti-bacterial in nature and have been used since ages in making medicines that are prescribed for strengthening gums and teeth. Ash of jamun leaves are used in making tooth powder or manjan along with hard almond shell ash and can treat spongy gums effectively. Using it regularly can cure gum bleeding and infection. Presence of peppermint in the manjan can cure bad breath as well.


  • Controls diabetes

Jamun seeds or dried jamun powder contains jamboline which is a glucose that converts starch into sugar and also helps in regulating the quantity of sugar in urine. If you are diabetic, have 1 teaspoon of this powder daily.


  • Cures indigestion

Jamun – Benefits from top to toe

Drinking jamun juice can cure many digestive problems like diarrhea, dyspepsia and dysentery. It has been in use in Ayurveda and Unani. You can also consume jamun pulp mixed with curd to cure digestive problems.


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