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Mangoes in India

Mangoes in India

Mangoes in India

Mangoes in India

India being the largest producer of Mangoes with 15.91 Million tons this year gets economical support from this fruit. The Republic of China with 4.35 Million tons and Thailand with 2.6 Million tons come after India. Other major mango producers are Pakistan, Mexico and Brazil. As a percentage of the mangoes produced these countries export more than India.



Mangoes in India

India has a variety of over 1000 types of mangoes coming from a wide variety of soils and the variations in climate. The main States for the production of mangoes are Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, Gujrat and Tamil Nadu. As per the stats from 2010-11, India exported 59.22 thousand tons, which were valued at Rs. 162.92 Crores. India produces around 40 percent of the total global production for mangoes. They are exported to over 40 countries. Also, India loses on over 15 percent of the mangoes due to lack of infrastructure.

Recently, the European Union, enforced a ban on Indian mangoes after fruit flies were detected in 207 consignments. This lead to a sharp decrease in prices of the highly demanded fruit to almost half. The price of the most popular mango, also known as the king of mangoes in India, Alphonso is selling for $2.5 to $9 per kilo which is Rs. 150 – 550 per Kilo that is after a fall of $2 – $3 in prices.

The fly may be small in size but can spoil the fruit. It lays its eggs under the skin of the immature mango. The eggs eventually hatch and feed on the pulp spoiling the mango. Thereafter they can easily leave a mango and have the tendency to pierce into the other mangoes as well.



Mangoes in India

The Indian Government plans to revoke the ban and so does the Prime Minister, David Cameron. The UK imports of mangoes from India make up to 6.3 million pounds per year. The same types of mangoes are still being imported from Pakistan and Bangladesh.

India is really disappointed but so are the importers in EU, especially the lovers of Alphonso in UK. But India has taken the matter and the European Union to the World Trade Organization. Having a large number of infectious flies is a major concern for the EU whereas the hefty loss incurred by the Indian economy is also something, Indian exporters want to address.



As a precaution, India should manage and up-grade their harvesting procedure. They should be able to catch any faulty mango before exporting them. They should make a proper note of precautions during harvesting such as use of clippers, avoid wet condition, not leaving the mangos in the sun after being picked, stems being cut closely to avoid any puncture arising of the other mangoes and the list goes on. The indices of maturity of the mangoes should be strictly followed as well such as the pulp color, appearance and taste.

As for post harvesting, the mangoes are mostly just cleaned with water to remove the dirt and latex but they should be tested in hot water to make sure that there are no flies or any other insects. Being the highest producers in the world of mangos, India should make things sound great about itself once again and avoid any such sanctions in the future, by taking strict measures to keep up with the export related expectations of the most important fruit.


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