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As Elective Caesarean is increasingly being made known and available to masses, the question of giving birth by Normal delivery or a planned C-section has gained significance in the decisions pertaining to ones’ medical procedures during pregnancy. While vaginal birth is the most natural (and least complicated) method of delivering a baby, C-section comes with a set of perks that cannot be ignored. In fact, women are increasingly subscribing to Caesarean nowadays. Since the method of giving birth is directly pertaining to a woman’s body, it is necessary for them to understand what each entails before they take that decision.


  1. Natural OR C-section: What do they mean?

Giving birth ‘naturally’ implies that the child is being delivered vaginally. This is the oldest and, as name signifies, most natural method of giving birth. Basically, Natural childbirth minimizes surgical interventions such as episiotomies, ventouse deliveries and Caesareans. The childbirth in this case is done by ‘pushing’ the baby out of the vaginal canal after labour is induced (naturally or artificially).C-section, on the other hand, is a surgical procedure in which one or more incisions are made in uterus through the mother’s abdomen to deliver the baby. The method was initially an emergency procedure, utilized during complications perceived in the delivery which might worsen and/or lead to fatalities if left to natural methods. However, a lot of women are opting for it despite lack of medical reasons.

  1. Advantages of Vaginal birth over Caesarean section


  • The amount of time spent in hospital in shorter of vaginal birth than that of C-Section, with an average time for former being about 40 hours against the average of 100 hours for the latter.


  • Since Vaginal births happen when the baby is actually ready, pre-term complications commonly linked with C-sections are less likely to happen. The child is usually matured by body, is less likely to face breathing problems and will have a stronger immunity system compared to babies born by surgical means.


  • C-section, being a surgical process, carries the risk of harm to organs of the mother’s body, increased blood loss and complications with Anaesthesia. While blood loss is a given with any procedure, it is considerably less when baby is delivered naturally.


  • There is a risk of post pregnancy complications for mother such as blood clots, infections and problematic bowel movements if delivered using C-section.



  1. Advantages of Caesarean section over vaginal birth


  • C-section is better equipped to deal with complications during pregnancy than vaginal birth; several problems such as inverted foetus, macrosomnia , placenta blocking the cervix, diseases to the mother which might cause complications during labour (e.g. heart problems) may cause fatalities if normal delivery is applied.


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Lifestyle guidelines during pregnancy
  • C-section is helps the mother to schedule her baby’s delivery and plan accordingly. It gives her a peace of mind and sense of control over her pregnancy, something which is impossible in case of a natural birth.


  • Since their pelvic floors remain undamaged, women who prescribe to surgery for delivery do not suffer through incontinence, tearing and/or initial months of sexual dysfunction often associated with vaginal birth.


  • If the mother is suffering from HIV, vaginal deliveries carry a risk of it getting transmitted to the child. While it is not completely negated, C-section lowers the risk of transmission considerably.


  • The baby is less likely to suffer through head trauma caused by forceps or vacuum.


As one can see, there are several significant factors that may affect one’s decision while choosing one of these options. It is hence important that one visits the appropriate healthcare professional for guidance so as to do an absolute risk and benefit analysis while creating your birthing plan.

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