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Working Mom – Most popular apps

Working Mom – Most popular apps

In between dropping your kids to school and navigating through office deadlines and late-nights, a working woman’s life is extremely busy, to say the least. To make life easier for a working woman and to ensure that she is able to give more time to her family, we have mentioned certain apps which make her task infinitely easier.


  1. bSafe

This is a very important app which should be installed on everybody’s phone, especially your children’s. This app connects you to your family and friends ensuring that you remain safe at all times. Whenever you sense danger, all you need to do is press the app button and an instant alert will be sent to your group notifying them about your location.

  1. Circle of 6

Similar to bsafe, this app can be used in an emergency situation when you need to alert anyone of your location. When faced with trouble, all you have to do is press the app button and 6 persons in your circle will be alerted of your GPS location.

  1. Pillbox Alert

Working women suffering from lifestyle diseases generally forget to take medicines on time. For such women, the pillbox alert is a real boon. This pill reminder app will remind you to take medicines at the prescribed time. Being fully customizable in nature, you can specify the number of medicines, the timings and many more features.

  1. Stylishgirl

This is a must-have app for the fashion conscious women of today. All you need to do is to click pictures of the clothes in your wardrobe and load them on your app. Now leave it to stylishgirl to create appropriate ensembles for you as per the function.

  1. Zomato

Gone are the days when we had to go hunt for a restaurant or ask sundry people about reviews of a particular food joint. By installing zomato’s app, you get a list of food destinations on the go, complete with menu, price and reviews.

  1. Nike training club

Nike training club app allows one to completely customize one’s workout schedule as per one’s requirements. With options like Get Lean, Get Strong or Get Toned the app offers you a step by step guided tour of workout sessions and gives you the choice of 15, 30 and 45 minute workouts at a level that’s right for

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  1. Indiancooking

After a tiring day at work, you return to your kids who clamor for something special to eat. With no time to browse the internet and go through recipe books, the indiancooking app is a great help to working women. This app provides you with easy and tasty Indian recipes at your fingertips which you can rustle up in a jiffy.

Our hectic lives leave us with little time for ourselves or our family. By downloading these apps, we can simplify our life to quite an extent and devote time for more important things.



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