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5 Tips for Winter Skin Care

5 Tips for Winter Skin Care

5 Tips for Winter Skin Care

Winter has just arrived and your skin may not look attractive and charming as before. Dry, crusty and peeling skin is some of the common problems faced by women throughout winter.


All these signs revealing on the skin can make you feel a little embarrassed and lose confidence. Most of the women just rely on lotions and creams to get rid of dry skin. They don’t bother to take care of their skin in winter which might take away the glow from their skin. If you are also one of those women, think again. How would it look if you are going for a party with white spots all around your cheeks making your dull and unattractive? Here are some solutions for you:

Use Moisturizers

Although, it is one of the practices all women follow throughout the year. However, in winter this part should be given due consideration as well. After you have taken bath, make sure to use moisturizer immediately in order to get your skin moisturized for a longer time. This does not only include your face but also knees, elbows and ankles. If you are a working woman and have to stay outside all through the day, make sure to keep a small tube of moisturizer in your handbag. In this way you can keep your skin moisturized all through the day.

Face Wash with Aloe Vera

Face wash containing Aloe Vera are good to apply in winter as it gets deep into the skin, forming a layer of hydration. This layer of hydration helps your skin to remain moisturized throughout the day. It is good to apply face wash in the morning while having bath. Next time, before you purchase face wash, make sure Aloe Vera is mentioned in the ingredients of the label.

Look after your Heels

In winters, heels are open to the dryness in air causing dust to accumulate on the skin. This can form cracks on your heel. To protect your heels from getting cracked, make sure to protect your heels by applying moisturizer. Wash your heels well at night and scrub the moisturizer all over your heels. Wear soft socks before going to sleep. It will help your heels to remain protected from cracks in winter.

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Creamy Body Wash

Gel body washes are great to use in summers as well as winters. It is better to buy a body wash instead of beauty soaps to wash your body. These body washes contain some moisturizers that fuse in your body without making your skin dry and itchy. It may cost a little higher than regular soaps but will benefit you in winters without losing your skin’s hydration.

Use Lip Balm

Have you ever felt the irritation in winter on lips when the skin peels off and you cannot bear the disgusting feeling? There is a simple solution to it. Use lip balm to protect your lips from being dried; have them pink and glowing without getting rid of your skin layer.

These simple tips will be helpful in maintaining charm and attractiveness of your skin without wasting too much money.

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