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Easy home décor tips – Top 7

Easy home décor tips – Top 7

Easy home décor tips – Top 7  aaIt always feels good to give our home a new look and it is not essential that every time, you change the look of your home for something better; you spend a lot of money. Here are some easy home décor tips for your home, to make your home look better in no time:

  1. Decorate the entrance

The entrance to your house is the first thing that your guests see and hence, it should create the right welcoming vibes for them. Unfortunately most people do not understand this and avoid adorning their verandah or porch. There are many ways by which you decorate the entrance and decorating the entrance is possibly the best way of welcoming the guests. You can use green plants to improve the flow of fresh energy or you can even make use of silk plants to decorate the entrance.

  1. Go for neutral shades

Many people think that neutral shades are boring but you can spice up your room by going for furniture that are unique and stands out of the crowd. Go for bright and colorful furniture and mats to enhance the beauty of your room.

  1. Geometric magic

Geometric shaped furniture makes your room look bigger and hence, buy furniture and even the other things like lamps, counters, side tables etc. that are geometric in shape. This is a contemporary style and makes your room look spin and span.

  1. Go for hangings

Anything that is hanged from the walls or curtain rods make you room look very stylish. You can hang pots and you can even hang lamps. If it is on the outside, you can hang plants as well. Do not overdo it and make your home look like a planetarium.

  1. Be minimalist

Artifacts that are unique can change the way your room looks but use only a few of them. Too many of them can make the space look cluttered and crowded. You can go for contemporary paintings that suit your personality but do not overcrowd any of the walls with these. Do not put a lot of stuffs on the wall and instead choose a unique large and modern piece for one of your walls.

  1. Decorate bathrooms

Bathroom is one place that most people forget about when decorating their home but do not forget about the small parts. Decorate your bathroom as well and do it in your own style. Plants look good and if you have a very small bathroom, you can replace the existing mirror with a mirror frame that looks unique and beautiful. Be creative to design your house, money is always not the key.

Easy home décor tips – Top 7

See Also
  1. Make you wall

Choose a wall and make it yours and hang your favorite pictures. Go for family portraits, moments from your family trip and anything else. Living room or your dining area is a perfect choice.


These are few of the things that you can do for decorating your home and giving it a brand new look.

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