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The Unspeakable Truth about Menstruation

The Unspeakable Truth about Menstruation

It is something all women are worried, concerned and curious about: menstruation. WomenNow contributor Lakshmi has a great talk with Indian couple Aditi Gupta and Tuhin Paul. They are design graduates from the National Institute of Design. They gave up plush jobs in the e-learning industry to educate India about menstrual health and hygeine. Aditi, a User Experience Designer and Tuhin, an Animator, have created a comprehensive website, blog and a comic book to speak the unspeakable truth about menstruation. They call it Menstrupedia. Since the launch of their website and outreach programmes, this couple has educated nearly 14 lakh women across the globe. The story behind the birth of Menstrupedia is an interesting and personal one… watch and find out.
Visit Menstrupedia here:

This video was filmed at Sankalp Summit in Mumbai, India. Sankalp is an Intellecap initiative. Find out more at

This is a video from Chai with Lakshmi, India’s first award-winning online talk show. More videos of Lakshmi can be found here:



8 Menstruation facts you need to know

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