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Dos and Don’ts on a first date

Dos and Don’ts on a first date

Dos and Don’ts on a first date

While the first date seems quite an exciting venture for almost every woman it also brings lot of nervousness and confusion. What to wear, what to say, how to know what he actually feels are the questions that are likely to trouble your mind. Take a chill pill and follow some basic rules to make a “lasting impression” on him.

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Wear something casual: Formalities spoil your true inner self and the budding relationship too. Wear something classy but casual. You should know what kind of clothes you look best in. Try to wear cool colors like white, blue, black or yellow. Do not stress yourself thinking about dressing up the way he likes, instead focus on choosing clothing that defines your personality. Unless you are confident about your being looking gorgeous, he would not admire you. Men like confident women, especially the ones who value themselves. So give him the vibe that you dress up for yourself and like looking stunning all the time.

Talk about everything: Your topic of conversation should not revolve around his ex-girlfriends, future plans and social media websites. Prove yourself smart by talking about unconventional, interesting topics. You can talk about books, people you take inspiration from, social issues, your dreams and similar things. Being a woman we can’t help talking about fashion, movies and gossips but if you want your date to be a memorable one, try talking out your real and intellectual self. It will make him value you as a person.

Do not overdo it: Do not be overly dressed up and likewise avoid talking too much. Instead use accessories that are trendy and simple, similarly talk but let him express his point of view as well. Being yourself is the most important thing, do not fake things just for the sake of impressing him. It is not going to last very long. Instead enlighten him about your real personal traits in the first meeting. It is a common practice that couples lie and pretend on the first date which complicates things later resulting in arguments, even breakup. So start your relationship with truth, it will do you good in the long run.

Avoid physical intimacy: Many dating gurus would suggest you to go crazy on the first date but this is not really the right kind of thing. Instead avoid being physically close, you should make him respect you as a woman. Take your time to trust him and this will lead into a stronger relationship. “Haste makes waste” holds true in case of relationships so the more time you will give each other the better understanding you are likely to develop. Feelings developed on the base of a person’s nature and personality last longer than the physical closeness. So keep this fact in mind before taking the next step. Moreover, try spending time in a café talking or go out for a stroll rather than watching a movie or eating out at a restaurant.

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