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Memorable wedding album – 4 top tips

Memorable wedding album – 4 top tips

It is so wonderful to see couples in love shooting for their post-engagement album. Nowadays this trend of a post-engagement shoot is increasing among to-be married couples. These pictures not only make fora wonderful addition to the wedding album while at the same time bringing out the love and passion that couples feel for each other. If you are planning on a post-engagement photo shoot, then these tips will surely come in handy for you.

  1. Choose a good location

Before going for the photo shoot, it is better if you sit down with your photographer and decide on the place where you would like your pictures to be taken. Without a dramatic location, your pictures would fall flat hence deicing on an appropriate location is necessary if you want your engagement album to be a success. An ideal location should be such that it enhances and adds to the pictures in the album while at the same time allowing the couples to take center stage in the scene. Grand forts, sprawling mansions and picture-perfect lakes with a scenic backdrop are some of the popular choices with to-be married couples.

  1. Decide on a theme

The theme of a photo shoot is as important as the location as the theme aptly sets the mood. Sticking to a particular theme brings in a lot of cohesion among the disparate pictures wherein the pictures unfold as in a story. However do not choose any random theme; instead choose one which is relevant to your journey together. It could be a movie that you both like, to your favorite hobby or sport. Once you have chosen the theme, you can then focus on the costumes and overall get-up.

  1. Go for candid and casual shots

If you have a problem facing the camera, you can ask your photographer to click candid photos of yours. Candid photos work wonders as they not only look natural but also manage to bring out the essence of the couple’s love for each other. All you have to do is lose yourself in each other eyes, talk, smile, laugh and the expert hands of the cameraman will do the rest. The pictures that come out will ably reflect your love and devotion for each other.

  1. Chill and have fun

When shooting for your engagement album, you need to chill out and relax. Remember that it is a fun photo-shoot, hence you need to be as calm and chilled-out as possible else it will reflect in the photos. To help you get into the mood and relax, it is better that you meet the photographer beforehand so that you are comfortable with him and understand his working style.

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These are some of the ways by which you can create a fun and interesting wedding album – an album which you will cherish for a long time to come. You can even put some of your engagement photos on your wedding invite and start a new trend much to everyone’s delight.


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