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The voice of women in Mumbai – video review

The voice of women in Mumbai – video review

‘Mumbai for Women’ is a progressive initiative taken by Times Of India, which highlights the importance of women, and it is only due to them that the other members of the household are able to live a relatively easy and fully functioning life. These women have forever given and given and never expressed any wants or desires.

The only thing that is required by women is love, nothing else. For all the hours they put in, for all the sacrifices they’ve had to make, for all the selflessness that they portray, the one and only thing that will bring smiles to their faces is the feeling of being loved.

Similarly, the women have always loved Mumbai. They love the very essence of it. What they want is the experience of discovering this unique amalgamation of sorts and prowl through its inner beauty. All they want is a bit of love from the city Mumbai that they are so proud of and are willing to contribute their livelihoods for its sake.

Love in the sense that they are treated as the daughters and mothers of Mumbai, rather than an object to be toyed around with. The women should be able to feel safe whilst hoisting for a cab in the middle of the night. They should not have the awkwardness of scavenging through the markets with hordes of eyes leering and obscene men trying to grab them inappropriately.

What’s their dream? It is not to go to exotic foreign places, as Mumbai is more than enough for them. Their dream is one day in which they come home, after a hard day’s work at the office and have no chores to do. All that is needed is a little chivalry to be initiated and a lot of male chauvinism to be eliminated.

‘Mumbai for Women’ recently organized a motorbike rally with all the women in their souped up bikes, which the Bollywood star Gul Pang head with her Harley Davidson. This exhibition catered to the people as an exhibition of women freedom and liberalism.

On the unfortunate incident of the 25 year old Pallavi-Purkayastha, Priyanka Chopra the former Miss World cried out “No woman in Mumbai feels safe any longer”. This is the sort of thing that needs to be changed. And the women themselves have taken the step to make Mumbai a safer place for them.

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The corporate turned housewives of Navi Mumbai recently took an initiative of teaching students from slums that have never had the privilege of learning basic numbers even. These women sit with them; teach them basic counting and alphabets so that the future of Mumbai can be a little less glum. Already housing Dharavi, Asia’s largest slum, Mumbai can be a much better place only if the youth of today shines bright for the city that never sleeps.

The women of Mumbai only desire love. In fact, they should be demanding love, which is their right. All in all, what ‘Mumbai for Women’ wants to do is give something back to the people responsible for shaping this lovely city: WOMEN.

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