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Would you Date a Woman with a Disability?

Would you Date a Woman with a Disability?

Would you Date a Woman with a Disability?

This is a never-before candid conversation between an abled star and a differently-abled heroine. This is Kalki Koechlin and Deepa Narasimhan in candid conversation. Watch it and it will either hit you like a bolt or leave you staring in the mirror!

Kalki Koechlin recently played ‘Laila’, a girl with Cerebral Palsy, in the film ‘Margarita with a Straw’. Laila is a young middle-class girl with a dream to discover her abilities and sexuality. There are so many such Lailas amongst us in India. Take Deepa Narasimhan, for example. She has Spinal Muscular Atrophy which has left her with severely restricted mobility. Yet, with the aid of computers and her motorised wheelchair Deepa is a successful working professional who travels the world. Yes, she is amazing!

So, how about if I got Kalki talking about playing the role of a girl with Cerebral Palsy and living in a wheel chair for a few days? How about if I showed you Deepa’s life? What if these two young women – the same age – asked each other questions? Yes, I do all of this and more in the first episode of The Lakshmi Rebecca Show.

 And when you are done watching this, tell me how you feel about it, tell me what else should have been talked about, and, share it family and friends for a reason that you believe in.


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