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An MBA Degree-Add Value to Your Career

An MBA Degree-Add Value to Your Career

An MBA Degree-Add Value to Your Career

An MBA Degree-Add Value to Your Career

An MBA degree is a much coveted one perceived as a stepping stone to a high flying corporate life. This is true to quite an extent but we need to realize that not all business schools have the potential to bring about the desired change. Getting into one of the top 100 schools will assure of an enviable position. But the question arises that if an MBA degree really helpful for one’s career and the answer is an emphatic ‘yes’.

  • Increase in Perceived Value

When your friends are still in the process of charting their career paths you can make a smart move by enrolling for an MBA program. This will add to your persona and increase your standing among friends and family. Employers are also more prone to give a candidate with an MBA degree more preference as compared to a normal graduate.

  • A great Opportunity to Change your Career Path

B schools provide students the opportunity to specialize in fields quite unlike the ones you studied at your undergraduate level. Thus, it opens up entirely new fields for you to explore and add to your skill sets.

  • Acquire Knowledge

An MBA Degree-Add Value to Your Career

An MBA course is a wonderful way to obtain assorted knowledge in a short span of time. When you utilize this knowledge at your work place, it can work wonders for your career as a person with diverse knowledge is always an asset to the organization.

  • Learn essential skills to start on your own

At its most basic level, MBA teaches a person how to manage a business and run the different units that compose it. By exposing students to real life business situations it acts as a training school for upcoming entrepreneurs. In order to become an entrepreneur you do not require a business degree but knowledge of business planning, marketing and finance surely helps.

  • Increased Earning Opportunities

An MBA Degree-Add Value to Your Career

A majority of the jobs that are advertised want candidates with MBA qualifications. Those candidates who hold an MBA degree find it easier to land a job both in the domestic market as well as the international market. Moreover it is seen that senior managers and board directors who are paid huge salaries are generally MBA degree holders so that also acts as a huge incentive to students wishing to pursue an MBA degree.

  • Jump on the corporate Bandwagon

If you have been toiling in the industry with no improvement in your career prospects then an MBA degree may well come in handy. It will help you to quickly move to a senior management position, of course with an increased pay package. Moreover certain companies have a tendency to put only MBAs in important positions. This can act against those who do not have an MBA degree.

An MBA degree opens up a world of opportunity for you. Simply approach your MBA course with an open mind and we are sure you are going to come out the richer for it.


See Also
An announcement has been made on Thursday, that a multi-specialty private hospital has opened a mother’s milk bank in association with a Jaipur-based voluntary organization. Mahatma Gandhi Hospital set in motion the milk bank in association with Inaya Foundation. Inaya Foundation’s secretary, Nitisha Sharma said that they had soft-launched operations of the Amrit, mother’s milk bank, beginning from the first week of February. They have collected more than 25,000 ml of milk donated by 74 mothers. G.N. Saxena (the principal of Mahatma Gandhi Medical University) announced that 196 units of mother’s milk has been distributed to infants at the hospital till the 10th of April, and they continue to distribute more. This is the third such milk-bank in Rajasthan. A government hospital in Udaipur started the first bank. Mumbai, Pune, Jaipur, Surat and Kolkata have such similar banks too. The infant mortality rate can be decreased by 22 per cent with the help of breast-feeding and donated mother’s milk, said Nitisha Sharma. She also added that the mother not only has to undergo a blood test, but also her milk needs to be tested to check for and eliminate any bacteria. Many newborns don’t get their mother’s milk, which contains the required nutrition for their healthy development. These banks are reaching out to the many infants who are deprived of their mother’s milk. It is saving the lives and futures of many infants and thereby reducing infant mortality rates.

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