Ashwathi Mohan

Ashwathi is an enthusiastic traveller and dancer with a passion for movies and music. Hailing from an Army background, she considers herself fortunate enough to have experienced the diverse cultures that India boasts of. She is a graduate in Journalism and Mass Communications and has worked in print, radio and television.

202 Articles Published | Follow:
Zodiac sign reveals how faithful you are in a relationship!
Zodiac sign reveals how faithful you are in a relationship!
The journey of finding love is never easy and along the way we meet a…
Worst bad habits of each Zodiac sign!
Worst habits of each Zodiac sign!
Every zodiac has its own set of problems. There are plethora of things that one…
10 Quotes about womanhood that will totally inspire you today!
10 Quotes about womanhood that will totally inspire you today!
To be born as a woman is a blessing. It is not about being perfect…
15 Life changing truths you need to know today
15 Life changing truths you need to know today
Very few exist who are so happy with their lives that they do not with…
8 Ways to deal with the sexual past of your boyfriend!
8 Ways to deal with the sexual past of your boyfriend!
It is always tough to digest that your man has slept with someone else before…
8 Things to keep in mind while wearing short dresses!
8 Things to keep in mind while wearing short dresses!
You are lying if you say that you don’t like short dresses. Who doesn’t love…
10 Signs you are a braveheart!
10 Signs you are a braveheart!
Bravery is not just saving lives of someone drowning in a river or trying to…
Sunsign matches that are bound to lead to heartbreaks!
Sunsign matches that are bound to lead to heartbreaks!
In India, match testing is an important factor of marriage and only when the boy…
Indian Runway models who made India proud Internationally
Indian Runway models who made India proud Internationally
India has always been known for the dusky skin women with one of the most…
Zodiac signs that love you but don't want to be with you
Zodiac signs that love you but don’t want to be with you
In our lives at least for once, we have played victim to  a situation when…
6 Quick tips for women for their first ever date!
6 Quick tips for women on their first date!
The butterflies of a first date is always best left unsaid. First dates are always…
5 Common and surprising causes of insomnia
The word insomnia is around us most of the time. Sometimes we hear it from…
8 Ways to conquer the art of surviving on your own!
8 Ways to conquer the art of surviving on your own!
The practice of living on your own can be really hard. Dependent on our parents…
Unique Ways in which each Zodiac heals itself
Unique Ways in which each Zodiac heals itself
There is no denying that we all go through thick and thin in lives. Problems…
5 Ways to be different yet beautiful!
5 Ways to be different yet beautiful!
It is the world that runs behind ideal things. People want to look a certain…